Analysis of chemical composition of metallic materials is a necessary part of the identification process – what kind of material is tested. This is important for a number of subsequent activities (e.g. corrosion damage and resistance, material flaws, suitability for the given environment or process etc.).

The chemical test room is currently using two fast and mobile methods, allowing analyses on site. These are either the Atomic emission spectroscopy (AES), where controlled electric arch is created between the sample surface and an electrode within a protective argon atmosphere, or X-ray fluorescence (XRF) based on the measurement of characteristic X-ray profile initiated by irradiation of the sample.

At present we use ARC-MET 8000 and PMI Master Smart machines for AES, and Vanta VCR device for XRF. PMI Master Smart and Vanta VCR do not need power source at the place of analysis. Vanta VCR is a fully manual device.


Chemical analysis - PMI  Chemical analysis - PMI  Chemical analysis - PMI 
Chemical analysis - PMI  Chemical analysis - PMI  Chemical analysis - PMI